Samhain Celebration!
Tue, Oct 31
The veil is at its thinnest! Join us as we honor those who have crossed to the other side.

Time & Location
Oct 31, 2023, 7:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Hillsboro, 6698 NE Alder St, Hillsboro, OR 97124, USA
About the event
The veil is at its thinnest! Join us as we honor (and communicate with?) those who have crossed to the other side.
Witness a special performance of the lantern dance by the PDX Dancing Witches!
We will have an ancestor altar set up where you may add photos of or small trinkets representing your loved ones and/or ancestors on the other side. We will also have items o make offerings with or you may bring your own and there will be candles to light. Think about or bring anything you wish to say to those on the other side so that we may pass the message along during our ceremony.
This event will be held outside behind the shop around our large cauldron fire pit so dress for the weather. Feel free to bring chairs, blankets, drums or other instruments.
This event is free and open to ALL but please leave our furry friends to relax at home.
We will have an onsite restroom for October's events.