The Full Story
About The Shop
To learn more about the owners and how this beautiful shop came to be, please check out our blog.
We are a witch shop. We sell Witchcraft/Wicca supplies and oddities. Anything you could need or want for your practice we likely carry and if we don't have it we will try to get it for you. Some of our customers have applauded our efforts at not "playing it safe" by only offering the traditional light and fluffy stuff you find at most Metaphysical shops. We don't shy away from such subjects that can be considered by some to be taboo such as demonology, Satanism, Hoodoo, Voodoo, etc. We have a large selection of books on any related topic you can think of from spell books to books on Druidry, Celtic magic, kitchen witch cookbooks, Norse mythology, and even such things as fairy magic and werewolves. We also have an ever expanding selection of kids books and fiction books related to all things witchy. For those not in need of practical supplies such as herbs, cauldrons, divination tools, incense, and spell kits, we offer a lot of art, household décor, jewelry, bone art and oddities, cloaks, capes, headdresses and hats, and even stuffed animals, stickers, patches, and pins that are witchy or spooky in nature. We have many statues and altar items as well as bath and body products, kitchen wares, and of course tons of crystals and candles! We often have a tarot reader in the shop and are looking to add more practitioners of varying types soon. We are also working to build a community around the shop and currently offering full moon gatherings each month, a drum circle on the new moon, and other gatherings and rituals for all of the sabbats. These take place in the shop's backyard around a large cauldron fire pit. The shop also has a community Facebook group to facilitate events and discussions as well as connecting with others and we will be looking to add relevant classes in the future as well.

We are very welcoming and accepting people by nature. We provide a judgement free environment and are happy to answer any questions anyone may have, even for those who do not practice but are genuinely curious about what we do. I myself am fairly new to this path and can commiserate with anyone just starting out who may feel overwhelmed or not know how to begin. I was in that same boat not long ago whereas my husband and partner has been doing this for quite some time and has knowledge and experience in abundance. We highly believe in education and are interested in learning just as much if not more from those who walk through our doors as they are hoping to learn from us.
When people think of other religious communities they often think it involves a tight knit community. You go to church every Sunday, have bake sales to help one group or another, Bible studies, get togethers, etc. The biggest question that came to our mind when we set out to do this is "why not us too?" For too long many who practice a Pagan faith have had to live in hiding and fear of persecution. Our vision is a day when we too are looked at as a tight knit community where anyone is welcome, free of persecution, and no one has to stay in that proverbial "broom closet."